Movieicon 2.9.40 crack
Movieicon 2.9.40 crack


* It finds automatically video files inside dragged files. * You can drag out the image found to Finder to use on your own * Media kind selector allows you to tag each video file as Movie, TV Media or Home Video (iTunes mode only) * App will embed cover art to iTunes / AppleTV compatible movies (Lion or later only)

movieicon 2.9.40 crack

* Add your own artwork, or use supplied generic covers when needed * Simply drag movie/TV show files into app to automatically find a selection of cover art Preview some of the features you’ll get when you download MovieIcon: Please, visit to find screenshots and videos. The easiest way to check MovieIcon power and simplicity is seeing in action. This is also the perfect solution for personal videos that you’ve created yourself. Just use one of the provided generic pieces of artwork, or drag your own custom cover from a web browser or Finder.


Occasionally, there isn’t a poster to be found for a movie or television show. The app uses IMDb and TMDb databases to automatically hunt down all of the available posters for your titles, whether they’re movies or TV shows. Don't miss the spectacular icon coverflow view! You can even embed art to compatible movies so it can be shown when added to iTunes / AppleTV (Lion and later only). MovieIcon brings the eye candy of a Media Center together with Finder simplicity. Your video collection will look awesome now, making more pleasing, easy and fast to find out any file. Just drag video files into this simple app to make it search its titles in the Internet and change its bored file icons by actual movies cover art. MovieIcon is the easiest way to get a spectacular view of your movie collection.


“I've used this program with hundreds of mkv files, works like a charm!! " How to Install and Crack: Temporarily disable antivirus software until install the patch if needed (mostly not needed) Install CCleaner Extract CCleaner 5.xx.xxxx Patcher (Password is: 123) Run CCleaner 5.xx.xxxx Patcher v1.1.

movieicon 2.9.40 crack

I really enjoy using MovieIcon and can't think of any feature its lacks." MovieIcon adds the pictures/posters on files and specially folders where ATV comes short. The latest update make this your favorite ATV companion. Its clever design and simple to use and all what an Apple user would expect. "MovieIcon is all you need to manage posters for your movies and TV shows. Click “…More” to learn why you should download this App today! You can even embed art to iTunes / AppleTV compatible movies. Just drag video files into MovieIcon and it will find and apply movie cover to your Finder icon. Quickly change icons of your movie collection to actual cover art with MovieIcon!.

Movieicon 2.9.40 crack